What is health and wellbeing?

The purpose of the health and wellbeing curriculum area is to help every child and young person to feel cared for and valued as an individual. Learning about health and wellbeing will help your child cope with uncertainties in life, have confidence to try new and different things and make the most of opportunities that come along.

How can I help?

Health and wellbeing is important at all times of our lives. Children and young people thrive in situations where they feel safe, secure and respected. Family and friends have a strong influence on health and wellbeing and shape the habits and behaviours which can last a lifetime.

Pages in this section provide examples of activities which can support your child's learning about health and wellbeing.

Food and health

Simple ideas to help your child learn about food and how it can affect their health.

Physical education, physical activity and sport

There are many ways that you can build physical activities into everyday routines to encourage and support your child to become more active.

Relationships, sexual health and parenthood

Support your child in forming positive relationships, and make them aware of how thoughts, feelings, attitudes, values and beliefs can influence decisions about relationships and sexual health.

Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing

Support your child in learning about feelings, relationships, rights and responsibilities, and about keeping themselves safe.

Planning for choices and changes

Simple ideas to help you support your child in learning about choices in life, managing expectations and hopes when making decisions.

Substance misuse

Your child will develop their understanding of the use and misuse of a variety of substances, as well as the effect of risk-taking behaviour on their life.