• Listen, talk, and encourage – this can have a big influence on children's learning

  • Encourage your child to talk to you about their learning, what learning is happening at school and do what you can at home to build on that.

  • Talk to your child about their strengths and interests and how they are progressing.

  • Encourage your child to talk to you about their next steps in learning and find out how you can work with the school to support this

  • Ask for help if you think your child needs it for any reason.

  • Praise your child if he/she is working hard at something or has achieved something within or out of school.

  • Encourage any reading.

  • Look for opportunities at home to develop literacy and numeracy skills: money, number problems, time, measuring, matching, size, reading, writing, understanding instructions, questioning information.

  • Encourage your child to take part in activities, for example hobbies or clubs which will provide opportunities to develop a range of skills.

  • Help them work on tasks on their own and then talk about it with you afterwards.

  • Do things together where appropriate – learn together, for example if your child has a project or task to do, take an interest and discuss with them what they are doing or offer support if this is needed.

  • Help prepare for change, particularly at key transitions – talk about the change together.

  • Talk to your child about how they are feeling.

  • Work together with the school by taking part in discussions about your child's learning and progress, for example at parents' evenings or reviews.

Education Scotland, 2016
